Comments on: Cryptocurrency Tracing and Recovery Services Cyber and Cryptocurrency Intelligence Solutions Fri, 24 May 2024 09:20:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Admin Thu, 21 Mar 2024 06:43:45 +0000 In reply to suwhan.


Thank you for reaching out to us at Cyber Intelligence. We appreciate your interest in our cryptocurrency tracing services. Given the unique position and authority of the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation (KDIC) in requiring identity information in Korea, and your partial access to identity information in the USA and other countries, we believe our services could be highly beneficial to your asset tracing efforts.

Our team specializes in assisting law enforcement agencies and law firms with cryptocurrency tracing, leveraging advanced analytics and forensic techniques to uncover the movement of digital assets. We utilize tools from Blockchain Intelligence Group, Chainalysis, and TRM Labs to deliver actionable intelligence tailored to each case.

Considering the information you currently have, we are confident that we can assist you in tracing cryptocurrency assets. Our process involves an initial consultation to understand the specific details and requirements of your case. This allows us to tailor our solutions to meet your needs effectively.

We invite you to schedule an initial consultation with us through our website at to discuss how we can assist KDIC in tracing the assets of debtors. Our team is ready to provide you with the expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of cryptocurrency investigations.

We look forward to the opportunity to work with the Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Best regards,
The Cyber Intelligence Team

By: suwhan Wed, 20 Mar 2024 10:05:53 +0000 Hello, I`m working in KDIC(Korea Deposit Insurace Corporation) and I`m interested in your business. We are tracing assets of debtors. We have the athority of require indenty information in Korea and we partially have identy information in USA and other countries. We want to know we can request to find cripto assets with information we have now.

By: Admin Sat, 17 Feb 2024 16:46:14 +0000 In reply to randhir kalha.

We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your situation further. In the meantime, you can also schedule a consultation with us by visiting

By: randhir kalha Sat, 17 Feb 2024 11:43:48 +0000 I was introduced to crypto trading by a friend who has since vanished and left me clueless on how to recover my BTC from a website called I managed to make just by virtue of learning and trying out a whopping 1951.8591 in btc. Now they are refusing to let me withdraw into my wallet in coinbase by saying I need to prepare 1% of the totality of the assets in my wallet i want to recieve to and transfer to a one time address that will be provided to me. once they recieve this they will allow the relevant transfer.

Can you please hep me recover the btc.

By: Admin Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:09:26 +0000 In reply to Jeff.

Cyber Intelligence handles the challenge of tracing cryptocurrencies that have passed through mixers or tumblers by leveraging evolving technology and the nature of blockchain itself. Firstly, it’s important to note that the use of mixers has significantly declined in recent times for various reasons. However, when dealing with transactions that have been mixed or tumbled, Cyber Intelligence employs techniques to demix these transactions. This involves unraveling the complex layers created by the mixing process. Moreover, the tools and methods used by our investigators are constantly being improved. Given that the blockchain is an immutable ledger, this continual advancement in technology offers the potential to trace through mixers or tumblers more effectively in the future. Even if tracing is challenging at the moment of mixing, the persistent evolution of our methods keeps the door open for future breakthroughs in tracing such transactions.

By: Jeff Wed, 10 Jan 2024 13:07:55 +0000 After reading your insightful article on cryptocurrency tracing and recovery, I’m curious about a specific technical aspect of the process. How does Cyber Intelligence handle the challenge of tracing cryptocurrencies that have passed through mixers or tumblers? These services are designed to obfuscate the trail of digital currency transactions, making it more challenging to track the flow of funds. What methods or technologies does your team employ to effectively trace assets that have been subjected to these anonymizing processes?

By: Admin Mon, 08 May 2023 17:10:01 +0000 In reply to Mahajabeensha.

We’re sorry to hear that you fell victim to a scam and lost your hard-earned money. We understand that it can be a distressing experience, and we would like to help you in any way we can.

We would be happy to schedule a free consultation with you to discuss your situation and explore if we can help you. During the consultation, we will provide you with an overview of our services, discuss your options, and provide you with a quote for our services.

Best regards,

Cyber Intelligence

By: Mahajabeensha Mon, 08 May 2023 15:34:30 +0000 I have lost approx 4500 USD recently to a scam, is possible to recover this.

By: Admin Mon, 08 May 2023 08:11:03 +0000 In reply to Devonte Alc.


We’re sorry to hear about your unfortunate experience. It seems like you may have interacted with a malicious dApp that led to the loss of funds from your Trust Wallet. As a cryptocurrency tracing and investigation firm, we can help you analyze this transaction and provide you with the information and resources necessary to potentially recover your lost funds.

We highly recommend scheduling a free consultation with us to discuss the details of your case. Our team of experts will evaluate the situation, provide guidance on the next steps, and work with you to explore possible recovery options. To get started, please visit our website and book a free consultation, or reach out to us via email or phone.

We understand the urgency of the situation and are committed to doing our best to assist you. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so we can start working on your case immediately.

Best regards,
Cyber Intelligence

By: Devonte Alc Sun, 07 May 2023 12:40:14 +0000 I clicked this link to go into a Dapp:
Then I clicked connect wallet. As soon as I clicked this , £1200 from my trust wallet was taken in ETH. The address it was sent to was this: 0xe9a2990f54cd2a58fdbbb361794f27cd788c8622
Please help me restore it.
